I've been through the user manual and technical manual, but I'd love to connect to a developers' community to ask questions. I'm highly motivated, but struggling to grok the platform. I found an empty YAWL IRC channel, for example, and a couple of forums that look almost inactive. The impression I'm getting is that there might not be an active community of YAWL developers, which would be unfortunate.

I'm struggling, in particular, to see how to "in principle, Custom Services can be developed in any programming language and can be deployed on any platform capable of sending and receiving HTTP messages, and may be deployed locally or remotely to the Engine" as it says in chapter 4 of the Technical Manual. From what I've been able to see, the RESTful interface isn't documented or exposed anywhere, but is buried in the Java classes that YAWL itself uses to implement its own services.

So, two questions:

1) Am I missing something, or is the statement above more wishful thinking than real possibility?
2) Is there an active YAWL developers' community that I can join?


Sat, 06/28/2014 - 14:26

first welcome to our forum.
I explain to you briefly how this forum works and then you have to decide, if that is what you are looking for or not.

This forum has been created for users, who want to learn about YAWL and can ask questions. Answers come then by our acitve users, who are already experienced and respond when they have time. It is also interesting that even the developers of YAWL are active in our forum and they write answers too.
If you have questions about YAWL you can ask it here in the forum, but a on-time support  you would have to build themselves by personal contact with one of the forum programmers.



