Quick info on YawlLogExtractor Start the tool using the command: java -jar YawlLogExtractor.jar You can specify input values like this: -jar YawlLogExtractor.jar -user=[USERNAME] -password=[PASSWORD] -ip=[IP] -port=[PORT] -identifier=[IDENTIFIER] -uri=[URI] –version=[VERSION_NUMBER] -log_type=[SEE INFO BELOW] –eventKey=[EVENT_KEY] –itemId=[ITEM_ID] –path=[PATH_TO_PUT_THE_LOG_FILES] So an sample start command could look like this: C:\ >java -jar YawlLogExtractor.jar -user=admin -password=YAWL -ip=localhost –port=8080 identifier=UID_1e319553-b971-4e13-aaae-270bb1c756f2 -uri=SampleWorkflow -version=0.120 identifier, version and uri: simply those information you see when pressing the “get info” Button in the “case tab” of the yawl webserver. Path: if not specified, the logs will be written to the same directory the .jar-File is located in Log_type: specifies the API-Method to call / the type of log to download. Choose from: 1 SpecificationXESLog 2 CompleteCaseLog 3 CompleteCaseLogsForSpecification 4 DataForEvent 5 Resource-SpecificationXESLog 6 Resource-MergedXESLog 7 NetInstancesOfSpecification 8 resource-ResourceHistory 9 TaskInstancesForCase 10 Resource-AllResourceEvents 11 Resource-ParticipantHistory 12 CaseEvents 13 EventsForTaskInstance 14 resource-CaseEvents 16 resource-SpecificationEvents Please note, that you can also just run the program not specifying any parameters or just a few and enter them when requested. For most log types the tool offers to convert the timestamps used in the XML-files into a readable format (the same, used in the XES-logs by default). This makes it easier to undersand the logs and to map them to the XES-Files. The Methods accessible with the tool are the following: (Most Information here I simply copied from the Javadoc of YLogGatewayClient.java and ResourceLogGatewayClient.java. YLogGatewayClient An API to be used by clients that want to retrieve data from the YAWL process logs. • getCaseEvents(String caseID) Gets all the case level events for the case id passed. Uses the same EventKey as the other XML-Files accessible via the YLogGatewayClient. It returns a flat List with timestamps. • getCompleteCaseLog(String caseID) Gets a comprehensive listing of all of the data logged for the case passed, including all net & task instances, events and data items (custom log entries). XML File with Epoch Timestamp, which is not compatible with those of the XES-Logs. Therefore the tool allows conversion of the timestamp. This applies to most of the XML-Files accessible with this tool. • getCompleteCaseLogsForSpecification(long specKey) Gets a complete listing of all the cases launched from the specification key passed, including all net & task instances, events and data items • getDataForEvent(long eventKey) Gets all of the data items logged with the event requested (custom log entries). Uses the same EventKey as the other XML-Files accessible via the YLogGatewayClient. • getEventsForTaskInstance(String itemID) Gets the set of events for a task instance (workitem) • getNetInstancesOfSpecification(String identifier, String version, String uri) Gets all of the net instances (root and sub-net) of all the logged cases based on the specification details passed. No Timestamp • getSpecificationXESLog(YSpecificationID specID, boolean withData) Gets a complete listing of all the cases launched from the specification data passed, in OpenXES format. optionally including the data value changes. Part of the mergedXESLog available via ResourceLogGatewayClient. Flat List of Events that can be processed by Tools like “Disco”. It uses lifecycle:transition to specify the type of Event (start, abort, scheduled…) and timestamps, which allows calculation of durations. No EventKeys used. • getTaskInstancesForCase(String caseID, String handle) Gets a listing of all the task instances (ie work items) created for the case ResourceLogGatewayClient An API to be used by clients that want to retrieve data from the resource service process logs. • getAllResourceEvents() Gets an xml list of all the resource events logged. (can be quite big) XML-Format with timestamps that can be converted to be compatible with those used in the XES-Logs. Flat list of Events, which do not use the same EventKeys as the Logs of the YLogGatewayClient. • getCaseEvents(String caseID) • getMergedXESLog(String identifier, String version, String uri, boolean withData) Gets all events for all cases of the specification passed, from both the resource service and the engine, merged together, optionally including the data value changes from the engine's log. This gets you the same file as the download button of the web interface. • getParticipantHistory(String pid) Gets an xml list of all work item events involving the specified participant • getResourceHistory(String id) Gets an xml list of all work item events involving the specified resource (can be a Participant or a NonHumanResource) • getSpecificationEvents(Set specIDs) Gets an xml list of all case events for all case instances of all the specifications in a Set • getSpecificationXESLog(String identifier, String version, String uri) Gets all events for all cases of the specification passed. Part of the mergedXESLog