I'd like to set a URL in a Task so that the user can open it directly from the web service. This is so that they can access the documentation page for the task.

I believe that I cannot do this using the Documentation field in YAWL; it is a text area and therefore by definition will not have active HTML content.

I have looked in the XML Schema data types but it does not seem that there is anything where the web service will interpret it as a link.

Is there a method for this that I am missing? Is there anything I can do short of making my own web service?


the only possibility that i know is to use customs form. In the YAWL Editor you click by right click on the task an choose "Set Custom Form". Here you can put a url of your own designed task.

Thanks for the reply Robert. Have you made any custom forms for YAWL? To me it seems a very daunting task, for the small things I would like to get from it. If you have done some, how did you start off to get the SOAP interface happening on your own form?

Hey Conrad,

no never done some custom forms, but you can see in the installation from YAWL4Study at the location /engine/apache-tomcat-6.0.18/webapps/yawl4film custom forms. I hope that was a small help for you 

Thanks Robert. I had a look at the jsp files for the custom forms. I learnt a little, but unfortunately the benefit of having a clickable link is not great enough for me to work through implementing a custom form.

Regardless, I'd be interested to check out the YAWL4Film project. It seems that it is packaged with YAWL so that we can look at it as a demo. I think I remember reading about opening that project somewhere in my YAWLing, but I'm unable to find instructions in the textbook pdf or User Manual. Have you opened the YAWL4Film project to explore what YAWL can do?

Hey, i've installed it on my engine. You'll find the example workflow at YAWL4Study/misc/examples/yawl4film. 
Also here's a documentation of that example. Unfortunately after starting the case i get the welcome screen but get an error that i don't put the right string value. 

But I found another example which helps better.

First this example is on the following location: 

I extend the example with an individual Label which shows only what the previous task set.

The folder "transFormer" you copy into "YAWL4Study\engine\apache-tomcat-7.0.52\webapps\". Import the File in the engine. The workflow has no resources to a participant. 


example.zip (4.9 KB)