Please, I would like to know how we can observe a rule file like a tree (you can see the attached file).
Thank you in advance.


I am afraid that I do not understand your question. If you follow the YAWL User Manual you can eventually edit RDR trees using the rules editor. The RDR tree "grows" as more and more unusual situations and their corresponding cornerstone cases come up and are handled by new worklets.



Please, you didn't understand my question.
Using RulesEditor, I can open an .xrs file and have a tree like the attached file (WorkletTreeViewer.jpg) using the button Tree viewer.
But, I would like to generate a figure like the second attached file (RDR_Tree_YAWL.jpg).
This is the problem. I should use the same tool?
I hope you have understood my question. Can you help me please?
Thank you in advance.