
I'm triying to create my own DBGateway to store YAWL complex types in the database.

I create a small class to save objects in DB but this class is not even loaded by the "ExternalDBGatewayFactory". How do I know that? Well I checked the YAWLEditor log, and the log showed:

2013-06-23 18:03:34,151 [ERROR] :- ExternalDBGatewayFactory ClassNotFoundException: class 'PostgresExternalDBGateway' could not be found - class ignored.

This error do not let me to continue with the develepment of my DBGateway (Detect other errors and create new features). Please help, I have already tried a lot of things even usding a JAD to understand the code but nothing gave me clues.

I attach an image showing my ".java" file. All the necessary methods are called (They are defined but not behaviour was specified yet), look follow.
public String getDescription() {
return "";

public Element populateCaseData(YSpecificationID arg0, String arg1,
List<YParameter> arg2, List<YVariable> arg3, Element arg4) {
return null;

public Element populateTaskParameter(YTask arg0, YParameter arg1,
Element arg2) {
return null;

public void updateFromCaseData(YSpecificationID arg0, String arg1,
List<YParameter> arg2, Element arg3) {
public void updateFromTaskCompletion(String paramName, Element outputData,Element caseData) {


Mon, 06/24/2013 - 10:51

The error you indicated, says that tomcat cound not find the externalDBGateway class file. Are you 100% sure, that the class-file is present in the right folder?.

If it is, can the YAWL Editor list the file in the list of externalDBGateways?

YAWL is not hot pluggable, so if you made changes, you need to restart the tomcat server.

Also, you should set a proper description.  I know, that if the description is not set errors occur. I am not entirely sure if a blank description is enough to prevent errors.

If you still cannot find the solution, you can attach the .java file to your post and I will see if I can start it on my configuration.

