I have a problem with the "TimerTask". A net variable set the Timer. In the case the timer works great but if the timer expires the case ends and don't go to the next step.

I didn't find a problem in my YAWL File. Did anyone knows something about the problem or see the problem in the YAWL File.

Michael Adams

Mon, 12/02/2013 - 01:28

I have located and resolved this issue. The actual cause was the extended attributes defined for the output parameter of the timer task, which were causing data validation to fail.

To workaround the problem, remove the extended attributes from the timer task's output parameter.

To resolve this problem, stop YAWL (tomcat), copy the attached 'YEngine.class' to your tomcat/webapps/WEB-INF/classes/org/yawlfoundation/yawl/engine (replacing the existing file of the same name), then restart tomcat.

YEngine.class (66.53 KB)